Your "Easy Access" New Mom Nursing Wardrobe

After my baby was born, I was thrilled to plow through my maternity clothes and share, store, or toss them. But it didn't take long for me to realize that there was a whole new wardrobe consideration that I'd have to factor in - easy access for nursing my little round-the-clock eater. The Summer sundresses that I'd planned on layering with sweaters or a jean jacket simply weren't doing the trick.

While revamping your entire closet shouldn't be necessary, incorporating a few well-thought-out pieces will make a world of difference. When you're entertaining the onslaught of new-baby visitors and attempting to get out of the house in those early days, there's nothing worse than finding yourself in an awkward outfit dilemma. Any or all of these finds will ensure that you're able to feed your babe easily and modestly - at home or on the go.


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