I Was Induced, And Let Me Tell You, It Was The Most Painful Thing I've Ever Done

I was induced for my first labor, and let me tell you, it was awful. You see, I didn't quite arm myself with knowledge before the birth of my first child. I figured that labor would hurt, and after it, I'd have my beautiful baby. While I was right, I still should have researched about all of the possibilities that could occur during labor and delivery - including an induction.

My water broke in the early hours of the morning. So, my husband and I took a quick shower (weird, I know) and then we drove off to the hospital. I was in zero pain, so the drive was just a full-blown case of the giddies. My husband and I giggled as I leaked all over the car and walked into the hospital. After triage, we got settled into our room. As I sat up in bed, still in no pain, the first nurse and doctor walked into the door and told me that I needed to have an induction. "Ok," I said. "Let's get this party started!"

Only, it was the complete opposite of a party. In fact, I could never have imagined feeling that kind of pain. First, a PA used a Foley bulb to try to induce my labor. Essentially, they put a catheter into my cervix to help me dilate. The Foley bulb didn't hurt; it just felt uncomfortable. But it also didn't work. My body wouldn't dilate. Next, they tried Pitocin - which I found to be hell on Earth. I'm unsure of the exact dosage, but the nurses started me off with a lot of it. And just as they put the Pitocin in, the contractions began . . . hard.

The pain was unbelievable. With each contraction, that seemed to occur every minute, I gripped the bed rail. I writhed on the bed, clenched my teeth, and moaned. I didn't care who heard me or what I looked like, I couldn't handle the pain. It seemed that each contraction took an hour and that I had only seconds between each excruciating one. My mother and husband stood beside me, looking petrified and helpless. They offered support of different kinds: a back rub, cold wash clothes, and more. But I wanted none of it. All I wanted to do was moan, swear, and squirm all over the bed. It was misery.

Finally, after hours of thinking I might pass out from the pain, I begged for the epidural. And let me tell you, once that sweet, sweet drug entered my body, I no longer hated being induced. Pitocin did work . . . at least a little bit. I was able to dilate to a 7, but my doctor said that my body was "failing to progress" so I was wheeled into the OR where I had a C-section.

I was happy for my healthy baby, but not for the way my induction was handled. It felt like I was rushed in and out as quickly as possible, instead of waiting for my body to be ready. I was disappointed with the experience, so I changed doctors and hospitals for my second labor and delivery, which was the right decision for me. Having an induction is no joke. It's the most pain I've ever experienced. Thankfully, the second time around, I educated myself and was able to labor and deliver my baby on my own terms.

from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/family/What-My-Experience-Like-During-My-Induction-46127365