I Took More Than 64 Self-Portraits and It Helped Me Discover Myself

Photography is my therapy and my love language. It is how I show people that I truly care about them.

It started with my own family and for many years (and still to do this day), I worked hard on creating a visual diary for my kids so that they'd have printed, tangible memories of their childhood. I then moved on to creating photographic stories for my clients. I love being able to provide them the gift of having their lives reflected back to them. After doing this for many years though, I started to realize that there was a piece missing from a lot of my work - it was me. My artistic voice was there, but my face showing? So rare. My kids had thousands of photographs of their adventures, but you'd be hard pressed to find a photo of me there with them . . . even though I was the one who'd planned it, packed the whole thing, got them there, and made sure they were having fun.

Related: I May Be a Mom - but I'm Also So Much More

from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/family/What-I-Learned-From-Taking-Weekly-Self-Portrait-45990858