There are many things I like to think I inherited (or am still trying to) from my mom. Her badassery, her work ethic, her humor, and her great skin.
Although my mom wasn't hugely into makeup when I was growing up (she didn't need much more than eyeliner and mascara) - she definitely knew the importance of a good skincare routine, and it's something I picked up from her early on. She's the first person to raid my skincare stash and is always up for the bizarre beauty trends I'm instructing her to try (at-home microneedling, anyone?) So who better to experiment with? Thankfully we both have very similar skincare types: sensitive and dehydrated.
My mom has always been an avid user of skin care. She told me that at around age 13 she started using water and "cheap soap" to cleanse, but that (unsurprisingly) gave her rashes and dryness, so she found Ann French cleanser as an alternative. She explained to me that, "I used to 'borrow' my mum's Olay - but back then it was called Oil of Ulay, and I used Simple skincare products. Around this time The Body Shop was founded so I used their products. They were ahead of their time, as you used to be able to take bottles back in and have them refilled. Because I had skin problems, when I was younger I'd read Jackie and Blue Jeans magazine and do research in the library reading beauty and nutrition books - that makes me sound so bloody old. I've always looked after my skin by cleansing and using cream day and night."
During the three-day experiment, my mom realized that it's worth spending more on skincare products and combining these with less expensive products for the perfect combo. I realized that sometimes I don't need to use quite as many products as I do, and understand even more so that a consistent skincare routine means for life, not just for a few months. After swapping our products, my mom messaged me via text and said, "I'd like to thank my supplier - Tori fabulous Crowther - without whom I'd have a very limited skin routine." So, I guess it's a joint effort. Read on to see what we learned when we swapped skincare regimens.
from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/beauty/I-Swapped-Skincare-Routines-My-Mom-46106412