Viewers Spotted a Huge Mistake in the Most Important Scene of the Game of Thrones Finale

We've barely recovered from the Starbucks cup blunder in Game of Thrones, and now, there's a new beverage-related incident that's possibly even worse than the first.

During the finale of Game of Thrones, a plastic water bottle snuck its way into one of the most pivotal scenes of the season, right behind Samwell Tarly's foot, to be exact. One must keep hydrated during such intense meetings but perhaps not from a plastic bottle. The coffee cup caused lots of finger-pointing as to who was responsible for the caffeinated beverage on set, however, this time the water bottle culprit might be a little more obvious, poor Samwell. HBO edited out the coffee up mishap for episodes of later broadcast, will the water have the same fate?

Beady-eyed fans can't get enough of this second time mistake, some taking the news better than others. Take a look at some of the best tweets from the mistake, below.