Hate creepy crawlers like millipedes? Same here, and so does Jimmy Fallon, who came face to face - or rather, face to wrist - with one on Tuesday's episode of The Tonight Show. Robert Irwin stopped by the late-night show to introduce Jimmy to a trio of animals, including a giant millipede named Millie Bobby Brown, a miniature horse foal called Li'l Sebastian (yes, as a nod to Parks and Recreation), and a skittish mandrill monkey named Meeshka. Fifteen-year-old Robert, who looks and sounds so much like his late father, Steve, shared interesting facts about each creature as Jimmy interacted with them and uttered "oh my gosh" every few seconds - some born from fear and others from sheer fascination. Witness Jimmy's roller coaster of reactions unfold as he attempts to keep his cool in the video above (keyword: attempts).
from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/celebrity/Robert-Irwin-Tonight-Show-Starring-Jimmy-Fallon-2019-46094875