My child began preschool this past Fall, and plenty has surprised me as a first-time school parent, but nothing has emotionally scarred me the way this month has already.
I naively thought we were in the home stretch, that these hectic days were winding down, but I was grossly mistaken. First, there were the 473 emails and subsequent volunteer "opportunities" surrounding Teacher Appreciation Week (they deserve it, they do . . .), and now there are the year-end recitals that last three hours minimum immediately followed by the unnecessarily complicated science projects involving last-minute runs to get a gallon jug of vinegar. And don't get me started on the frenzy to sign up for Summer camp – a waitlist-guaranteed process that's proven more difficult than scoring Hamilton tickets.
I'm clearly not alone in feeling this way: YouTube pros Penn and Kim Holderness have officially dubbed this time period as "Maycember" because, for parents, it's the only month more stress-inducing than the busy weeks of December. Plus, in May, we don't even get sparkly lights or catchy Christmas carols!
In their hilarious video, the Holdernesses sing a medley of repurposed carols (think "Little Drummer Boy" and "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen") that perfectly articulate Maycember – and what it feels like to sit through a banquet so your kid can get a plastic participation trophy for not winning a single game of soccer all year.
Sure, watching it won't make this month suck any less, but it might make me appreciate December just a smidge more.
from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/family/Funny-Video-About-Why-May-Sucks-School-Parents-46157131