I Tried Meghan Markle's Favorite Beauty Products, and I'm Kind of Surprised by the Simplicity

"If it's good enough for Meghan Markle, it's good enough for me" is the motto I lived by when I turned to her royal-approved beauty routine for a week.

After doing some investigative research into Markle's beauty products of choice, I decided to test them out to see it they were really worth the hype. Some of the items already had secured a place in my makeup bag while others were new additions, but all were a pleasant experience.

Did I feel like a royal after the experiment? Spoiler alert: no, but that's exactly why I love Markle. She appreciates her luxuries and also enjoys a Nivea moisturizer just like the rest of us. I obviously loved trying new products and loved pretending to be a duchess for a few days.

Keep reading to see my opinion on each of Markle's favorite products, plus a few takeaways, so you too can sleep well knowing some of your products are royal-approved.

from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/beauty/Meghan-Markle-Beauty-Routine-Editor-Experiment-46151698

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