Tinney Davidson - an 88-year-old woman from British Columbia, Canada - has been waving to children from her home for over a decade. But now that Tinney is moving to an assisted living home, it's the kids' turn to give her a proper send-off. Known as the "Waving Granny," Tinney began waving to passers-by on their way to school when she and her husband moved into their home in 2007. After her husband passed away, she stuck with the routine, and now more than 400 kids are taking the time to thank her.
"I just liked the look of the children," she told CBC back in 2014. "They all looked in and I thought, 'If they're looking in, I'll wave to them,' and that's how it started. I was just enthused by them. They're just wonderful children. They just make me feel so good. You know, it's just, 'Love you, you're wonderful, you're amazing,' love and kisses and everything else."
After hearing the news, the children she's been waving to for the past 12 years swarmed her front lawn with signs and well wishes. "I was shocked again that's there's so many kids that want to say goodbye to me," said Tinney. And clearly, she wasn't the only person who was affected by the gesture. Read through to get a sense of how touched the Twitter universe was.
from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/family/Woman-Who-Waves-Kids-Way-School-46125497