5 Stylish Summer Outfits I'm Packing For Vacation in Paris

I'm a terrible vacation planner. From picking a location to booking the flight and hotel, I can't seem to get it together. Don't get me wrong, I love to travel and have been lucky enough to visit many a delightful destination from Italy to Morocco and Hawaii. And luckily, I have friends who do the heavy lifting itinerary wise while I get by weighing in on easy decisions like choosing between restaurants and noting the can't-miss sights (as if they weren't obvious).

Shockingly, I'm also a terrible packer. I hate it. Can't stand it. Have considered paying someone to do it for me - OK, not really, but I've come dangerously close. I'm not someone who plans my outfits in advance. Sure, I'll have a few ideas floating around in my head after scanning my calendar and the weather for the week. But other than that, I leave it until the morning of and more often than not, I change my mind about something, be it the outfit entirely or a swift switch-up of accessories. Call me indecisive, but that's just how I operate. This all makes packing vacation outfits one of the most excruciating tasks, no matter how excited I am about a trip.

But I want to change. While I won't become a full-fledged travel agent overnight, I do think I can master the art of the pack. Why now? Because I'm heading to Paris next month and want to feel like my most stylish self in the City of Light.

From outfits suited for aimless strolls and sightseeing to casual-chic dinner attire and a daytime look for a jaunt to Giverny, ahead are five outfits I'm packing for my Parisian vacation, featuring my favorite new pieces from the POPSUGAR collection at Kohl's. And for more outfit ideas you can wear on vacation, for date night, and everything in between, head over to The Outfit Bar at Kohl's, where you'll find affordable, easy-to-wear looks to live in all Summer.

from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/fashion/What-Wear-Paris-46066702