The Decision to Ban Unvaccinated Minors From Public Spaces in New York Has Been Overturned

Update: As of April 5, Judge Rolf Thorsen has officially lifted the ban in Rockland County, NY, claiming that the recorded 167 measles cases in the area weren't enough to declare a state of emergency.

Ed Day - a Rockland County executive who supported the ban - said that the reversal was "a setback and not a defeat" and promised to do whatever her could to prevent the disease from spreading. "While we will always comport with the law and court direction, know that all options will be on the table, including the potential of another emergency declaration," he said.

Original story: New York officials are taking further steps to contain the measles outbreak that's been sweeping Rockland County for 26 weeks straight by banning unvaccinated minors from public spaces. The ban officially went into effect at midnight on March 27.

According to NBC, their goal is to combat the 153 confirmed cases of measles and will last a total of 30 days. The source of the outbreak is said to be unvaccinated travelers who came through the New York area in October 2018. The current outbreak is said to be the longest since the disease was eradicated in the US in 2000.

"We believe this to be the first such effort of this kind nationally and the circumstances we face here clearly call for that," Ed Day said at a press conference. "Rockland will lead the way in service and safety to the people here."

As for the details? Kids under 18 who haven't been immunized for measles, mumps, and rubella will be barred from entering public spaces. Anyone who's "unable to be vaccinated for documented and confirmed medical reasons" will be excluded from the ban. Parents who violate the ban are subject to six months in jail or a $500 fine. However, Ed said authorities are looking to raise awareness, not to arrest people.