Completely Transform Your Kitchen Counter With Contact Paper in These 4 Easy Steps

Putting contact paper on your kitchen cabinets to add a splash of personality is one of the best tricks for changing the look of a space without actually changing anything (you can take the paper off when you leave). But did you know that you can do the same thing to your entire kitchen counter? If you own a home, it's a lot cheaper than replacing the counter, and if you're renting, it's the perfect fix for any outdated surfaces. And if done properly, it's completely undetectable.

If you're interested in this DIY project but aren't sure where to start, don't worry - it's actually really simple. All you need to get started is the contact paper of your choice, Windex, a ruler or measuring tape, an X-Acto knife, a squeegee, and a towel. Once you have all of your materials, follow the instructions ahead for a step-by-step guide. You can also watch this incredibly helpful YouTube video by user Superholly that shows you each step in detail.


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