It's been years since my baby shower, and even now, if I happen to pull a particular onesie out of the drawer or a stuffed animal from the bottom of a toy bin, I'll feel a sudden wave of anxiety wash over me. Sometimes it'll take a moment to realize why, but in most cases, it's immediate: the person who gave this to me demanded a photo that I never sent.
"Asking for documentation of a Thomas the Tank Engine crib blanket that we knew we'd never use just makes us feel unnecessarily guilty."
I've been assured that I'm not alone in feeling this way. I've been a guest at enough baby showers to witness first-hand how all the young moms in the room squirm in their seats when a woman interjects the gift-opening procession to say something to the effect of, "You must send me a photo of him wearing it!" or "I can't wait to see her playing with this!" I have even coached a friend through an awkward text exchange with a mother-in-law who demanded photos of her grandbaby in a onesie that she'd returned for store credit months earlier.
You - or, more likely, your mom, aunt, great-aunt, or second-cousin-once-removed - might be reading this and thinking, "What's the big deal?! How hard is it to take a picture of a baby in a cute bonnet? This person went out of their way to give you a gift and the least you could do is show them this small courtesy."
I understand how it might seem like such a simple request, but let me offer you a few reasons why it's actually one of the most frustrating aspects of baby-related gifts.
from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/family/Do-I-Have-Give-Proof-We-Used-Baby-Shower-Gifts-45951773