New Netflix Comedy Series About Working Moms Is So Relatable, We Thought It Was a Documentary

Working moms don't have time to shower on a regular basis, never mind add an entire series to their already overwhelming Netflix queues, but, ladies, you are going to need to make time for this one.

Workin' Moms is the newest comedy series now streaming on Netflix, and judging by the trailer, it's so relatable, you'll mistake it for a frickin' documentary. The 13-episode show follows four Toronto moms who are coming up on the end of their maternity leaves and have to return to work while navigating kids, relationships, and, you know, typical stuff - like bosses who don't quite get the requirements of a pumping room and the desire to be unconscious for the next two to five years.

The TV show actually first aired on CBC in Canada before debuting on Netflix, and it's already been picked up for two more hilarious seasons. So, looks like you'll need to carve out some "me time" to keep up with this series for awhile to come.


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