Jennifer Garner Went All Out With Her Son’s Birthday Theme, and OMG, We’re Loving Her Enthusiasm

We know what it looks like to half-ass something. Whether it's a last-minute Halloween costume or a barely-thrown-together dinner party, we can spot poor execution from a mile away - heck, we're practically professionals at phoning it in. Which is precisely why, after spotting Jennifer Garner's latest picture on Instagram, we know she went balls-to-the-wall when it came to throwing her son Samuel's seventh birthday.

In a head-to-toe costume of Astrid from How to Train Your Dragon, complete with faux fur neckline and some sort of waist armor, the proud mama brought out her son's Toothless birthday cake with an enormous smile on her face. Her son's reaction? Well, according to her caption, she totally embarrassed him, writing: "Well, guess what. It turns out 7 is the age my kid stops thinking it's cool when I dress up for the party. #youngestchild #firsteyeroll🙄 #anyoneneedanAstrid"

We applaud her efforts, nonetheless. Looks like she put tons of planning into this, and eye rolls are part of the job!


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