Jamie Lynn Spears on Life as a Young Mom: Being a Good Mother Has "Nothing to Do With Age"

For Jamie Lynn Spears - a mom with a 10-year-old daughter Maddie and an 11-month-old baby named Ivey - having a baby when you're young doesn't make you any worse of a mom. In a recent interview with Dopple, the 27-year-old opened up about what having her oldest at 17 was like.

"I don't feel like a young mom at all now, but I guess that's because I had my first daughter so very young," she explained. "I used to be insecure at times because I was always the youngest mom in the room. I quickly learned that being a good and competent mother has nothing to do with age. I have met some of the most wonderful amazing moms who are anywhere from 20 years old to 50 years old, so young or old, love is all it's really about."

After welcoming Ivey with her husband Jamie Watson, Maddie is adjusting to - and completely loving - life with a little sister despite the nine-year age gap.

"It's been a pretty smooth transition for the most part, but I think that could have something to with the age gap between them," she said. "I would think going from one to two children, when they are both under 5 would be a much harder transition. Maddie is older, so she is able to really be helpful and understanding in some situations that can be tough with a new baby. Don't get me wrong, we have had our tough moments though - just like everyone else!"

Her biggest piece of advice for new moms? Don't worry about what everyone else is doing. "Do not compare yourself as a mother to anyone else," she said. "Each child is different, and therefore each mother is different. Something that works for someone else, may not work for you and your baby and vice versa. Of course, take advice from others, but always trust your instincts and what your gut is telling you more than anything."

from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/family/Jamie-Lynn-Spears-Good-Parenting-Despite-Being-Young-45953932

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