It's Time We Acknowledge That Queer Eye's Theme Song Is a F*cking Bop

It's hard to pinpoint the best part of an episode of Netflix's Queer Eye. Is it when chef Antoni tries to convince someone peas belong in guacamole? How about when grooming expert Jonathan lovingly rubs SPF on the extremely red cheeks of an unsuspecting Midwestern man? Or perhaps when all-star designer Bobby completely rebuilds a cluttered, dirty home from the ground up, proving time and time again that he's the most underrated member of the Fab Five? (In my humble opinion.)

While all of those options are tempting choices, none of them is correct - the best part of the episode is shortly after the group reads a few facts about their next "hero" from the iPad in their car, makes a few cute remarks about them, and then the first tinkling notes of the theme song begin.

The anticipation! The excitement! The knowledge that in a few short moments, Tan will burst into someone's closet and stare with absolute horror at a piece of camouflage lingerie before trying it on himself! (Which actually happens in season three, FYI.) The reboot of the iconic reality show not only packs a seriously emotional punch, but it also boasts a pretty killer soundtrack for seasons one, two, AND three. But the show's theme song, "All Things (Just Keep Getting Better)," is its musical crown jewel.

The track was originally done by the music group Wildlife, but in honor of the second season, singer Betty Who reimagined the tune, turning it into pop perfection. Regardless of which version of the theme song you prefer, it's catchy as hell and probably already stuck in your head as we speak. (I'm not sorry.) But just in case you need a reminder of how great it is before you dive into the third season, I've helpfully compiled both versions of "All Things," as well as some choice fan reactions to it, for your viewing pleasure ahead.


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