1 Dad Couldn't Find a Sitter, So He Brought His Baby to Class Instead - and We Love the Professor's Reaction

Wayne Hayer, a 26-year-old father and kinesiology major at Morehouse College in Atlanta, found himself in a bit of a pickle last Friday: he couldn't find anyone to watch his 5-month-old daughter so he could attend his algebra class. And with midterms coming up, Wayne new skipping wasn't an option. He did the next best thing and brought little Assata with him.

After explaining the situation to his professor, Nathan Alexander, the kind instructor offered to hold Assata so her dad could take notes. Thankfully, one of Wayne's fellow students caught the heartwarming offer on Twitter.

"A student came to class today with his child due to no babysitter or anybody to watch her while he was in class," read the tweet. "My professor NATHAN ALEXANDER said 'I'll hold her so you can take good notes!'"

And apparently, the entire internet found the moment particularly endearing. So far, the tweet has amassed nearly 75,000 retweets and more than 305,000 likes. "I was nervous to go to class," Wayne told CNN. "Morehouse is an all-male college and seeing me with a baby strapped to me would make all eyes be on me."

It also made other students at Morehouse College realize the power of being members of a strong community. "It was this encounter that truly showed me the power and impact [historically black colleges and universities] can have for the black community, for this professor to understand that life happens and sometimes there are just no ways around it."

Despite the fact that Nathan is the man featured in all the photos, the professor explained that Wayne is the one who should be getting all the credit. "He works two jobs, is a full-time student, is involved in leadership programs at school, and is a parent," explained Nathan. "This photo serves as a reminder of what parents have to do every day and how important it is to have affordable childcare."

As for how little Assata behaved in the class? She couldn't have been sweeter. "She was really behaved and even started to fall asleep at the end," said Nathan. "We had a bottle ready on standby, if needed. We enjoyed having her energy in class."

See? Sometimes it really does take a village!

from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/family/Dad-Brings-Daughter-College-Class-45870973