This Bride Wore Her Toddler Down the Aisle, and the Photos Are Absolutely Breathtaking

Dalton Mort, a mom to her 2-and-a-half-year-old daughter Ellora, knew that she wanted her little girl to be a big part of her wedding day. But rather than having a relative look after Ellora during the ceremony, she decided to wear her toddler instead, and the photos are the epitome of stunning. Dalton enlisted Ohio-based photographer Laura Schaefer of Fire and Gold Photography to capture all the special moments, and yep, she certainly delivered.

"I wore her for a couple of reasons. We really wanted her to be involved in the ceremony, because we felt marriage is a commitment to our family as much as our own relationship," Dalton told POPSUGAR. "Also, realistically, it just was easier to wear her. We knew the mass was going to be at least 45 minutes and was smack in the middle of naptime. She was going to need Momma, and I didn't want to be worried about her. She actually fell asleep about 20 minutes in."

Although some parents might be overwhelmed with carrying their child through a quiet church for nearly an hour, Dalton said the ceremony couldn't have gone any smoother. "I wouldn't have had it any other way," she said. "There is no better behaved toddler then a sleeping toddler, and she was still involved, even though I ended up unwrapping her to nurse her. I held her in my arms while my husband and I said our vows. It was really special for us."

Read through to get a glimpse of Dalton and her new husband Jimmy Joe's special day.


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