Everyone wants a smaller waist, but figuring out exactly how to melt stubborn belly fat and strengthen and tone your core can be tricky - especially if you're a fitness newcomer. While you can't spot-reduce fat, getting your heart rate up with cardio-infused exercises can help slim your body from head to toe and inch you closer to your goals. "High-intensity, total-body moves are how you ensure you'll be able to get into a zone that will burn fat," said NASM-certified personal trainer Kendall Wood, MS, CSCS, coauthor of Core Fitness Solution. Start with the circuit workout below.
Directions: Perform each move for 60 seconds with only a 30-second rest in between. Kendall suggests doing as many circuits as you can in each workout session. Imagine how much stronger you'll get.
from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/fitness/Belly-Fat-Workout-Beginners-45701571