The key to getting a stronger core is pretty simple: spend more time strengthening your abdominal muscles. No, you don't have to schedule hour-long ab sessions, but your workouts should contain a core proponent. Whether you're doing abs before a workout (here's why that's beneficial) or after you crush your treadmill workout, you've got to commit to working your core if you want it to become stronger.
As a trainer, I think your ab workouts should entail stability aspects, strength aspects, and some explosive work. Having those variations will help stabilize your spine, prevent injury, and help you see ab definition. I love exercises like planks and hanging leg raises to work my abs, but I also like to up the intensity with weighted exercises.
If you're a beginner, don't let these moves intimidate you. The key is to select a weight you can work with; my recommendation is no more than 10 pounds. Don't be afraid to decrease the weight if your form is falling apart; better safe than injured.
If you're inspired to do an ab workout once you finish reading this post, add a few of these moves to your next workout, but I don't recommend doing more than eight exercises from this list in one session or else you will be extremely sore. Friendly reminder, ab exercises alone won't help you reduce stomach fat or get a six-pack. Instead, you'll need to focus on making healthy nutritional choices, train hard and consistently, and be patient. Now, get ready to blast your abs with these 18 moves.
from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/fitness/Weighted-Ab-Exercises-45664945