So, What Does the Election Mean For Randall and Beth's Marriage on This Is Us?

Warning: this post contains spoilers about This Is Us.

We're back in action, This Is Us fans! During the midseason premiere of our favorite family show, we get answers to some questions like if Jack knew Nicky was alive, and if Randall wins the election. However, there's still one big looming cloud surrounding Randall and Beth's marriage, and it's tugging at our heartstrings.

We began to witness a rift in their marriage before the season three break when Beth asks Randall to drop out of the council race and he refuses, causing a rocky road in their marriage throughout the seven weeks leading up to the election. Now that we know Randall actually wins, we're left wondering what it means for our beloved R and B. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, actor Sterling K. Brown spoke to what winning the election means for his marriage. "There's going to be some trials and tribulations," he said. "There is rocky terrain ahead, but there's rocky terrain in any marriage that's worth its salt, and you figure out how to make it through. I'm hopeful. I have remained ever hopeful that Beth and Randall figure out a way to make it through, but we have seen a glimpse into their future, which may lead folks to believe that they didn't quite make it all the way."

Fans stressed over their relationship after the midseason finale in November, but were reassured after a tiny clue showed Randall wearing a wedding ring in the flash forward regarding "her." The question of who is "her" has been theorized about since season two when an elderly Randall and an adult Tess reveal they're going to see someone - it's later revealed that the "her" is Rebecca. In the flash forward, Randall asks Tess if she called her mom to tell them they were on the way. In the same scene, we see Beth overlooking a skilled ballet group speaking with her assistant, who tells her that Tess called. Beth tells her assistant they are going to see Randall's mother. While many people are curious why Randall wouldn't just call his wife, suspecting they are divorced, let me just say that as a child more technologically savvy than my parents, it's not weird to ask the child to call the other parent.

It wouldn't be out of the ordinary for producers to want us to think that Randall and Beth have split, especially following the present-day fight. However, a keen-eyed Reddit user pointed out that in the flash forward from the first episode of season three, Randall is wearing his wedding ring. Sure, it could mean that they split up and Randall has remarried, or that their relationship is as stable as it's always been portrayed throughout the series thus far.

The future of Beth and Randall....season 3 ep1 ending. from r/thisisus

One comment on the Reddit post said it best: "If we are led to believe that Randall is Jack personified, then we should also believe Randall will fight for his marriage like Jack did." Back in February, Sterling K. Brown reminded us that Randall and Beth are "R&B! And they're going to be JUST fine, no matter what."

Do you think Beth and Randall will make it through their rough patch, or will they end up divorced in latter seasons? Let us know in the comments!


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