Improve Your Endurance With This 15-Minute Treadmill Workout For Beginners

The treadmill has a reputation for being extremely boring, but in my opinion, it all depends on the workout. To keep your workout fresh and quick, I created a workout that will help you begin to improve your endurance and stamina. It's a combination of short sprints for strength endurance, and speed and longer runs to build endurance and recover.

The Beginner Treadmill Workout

Before getting started, be sure to do a few glute-activating and core-activating drills. This will help with stability during your run and ensure that the right muscles are being used. The term "beginner" is subjective, and the speeds listed for the workout are a suggested range. If you find that they're too fast or too slow for you, feel free to adjust them.

Time Speed (MPH) Incline Notes
0:00-4:00 3-5 0 Warmup
4:00-4:30 6-9 0 Sprint
4:30-5:30 5-8 0 Easy- to moderate-pace run
5:30-6:00 6-9 0 Sprint
6:00-7:00 5-8 0 Easy- to moderate-pace run
7:00-7:30 6-9 0 Sprint
7:30-8:30 5-8 0 Easy- to moderate-pace run
8:30-9:00 6-9 0 Sprint
9:00-10:00 5-8 0 Easy- to moderate-pace run
10:00-10:30 6-9 0 Sprint
10:30-11:30 5-8 0 Easy- to moderate-pace run
11:30-15:00 2.5-4 0 Walking cooldown

Don't forget to stretch and foam roll once you're finished. Click here for a printable version of this workout.


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