I Aspire to Be This Baby Who's Getting Kissed on the Head by Barack Obama

Seven-week-old Paisleigh got more than she bargained for when her parents took her to get a glimpse of former President Barack Obama on a golf course in Hawaii on Jan. 7. As soon as Barack saw the sweet little bundle of joy, he asked to hold her and even planted a kiss on her forehead.

"To have the first black President ever to initiate holding our daughter, let alone kissing her on the forehead, has to be one of the most pivotal moments of any parents life," mom Chelcie told the blog Because of Them We Can. "For our little girl to be in the hands of a man that is so influential, yet still so humble, and allowing her to experience something many will never get to experience is a blessing from God within itself. It's just one of those things that's just indescribable."

For Paisleigh's parents, they will forever cherish this special experience.

"This memory is one she will listen to for many years to come, as well as have for the rest of her life," Celcie said. "As parents, we plan to share this monumental moment with our daughter through pictures, stories, and instilling in her who exactly he is and was before her time. These are memories for her all while being able to live in a place Barack Obama calls home, Hawaii. Furthermore, I pray one day my daughter appreciates and understands the magnitude of what she was able to experience."

from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/moms/Video-Barack-Obama-Kissing-Baby-Head-45658148

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