Hurry! 10 Family Trips You Should Take When Your Kids Are Still Young

It's easy to get stuck in a vacation rut when your kids are young. Once you find a spot that has kid-friendly accommodations and activities, a host of childcare help, and a won't-break-the-bank price tag, it's tempting to return again and again. But the best time to broaden your family vacation horizons is when your kids are young enough to be wonder-filled, but not so young that the idea of taking them anywhere beyond grandma's house is totally overwhelming. There are so many remarkable American vacation spots to discover (though, if you're really brave, Europe can be kid-friendly, too).

The following 10 trips are all sure to be a hit with both children and parents, featuring sweet attractions, child-specific programs that mean mom and dad can relax on vacation, and some spectacular sites that even the youngest eyes will appreciate. From National Parks to kid meccas (that's Disney, duh), here are 10 trips you should plan before your kids get too old.