Your butt does a lot for you, perhaps more than you know. Thanks to your behind, you can climb stairs, stand upright, and take on life. That's because this muscle group, consisting of the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus, extends the hips, rotates the pelvis, and gives you balance.
It's essential that you activate your glutes to combat dormant butt syndrome, a phrase coined by Ohio State University physical therapist Chris Kolba, PhD, MHS. And as it turns out, building your backside can even lead to better posture and metabolism.
So you want to work on your butt? Doing hundreds of squats won't cut it. Let's spice things up with some no-fuss booty workout videos straight from YouTube. All are 20 minutes or less; none require a gym membership, meaning there are no excuses here.
Related: Build Your Booty With These Exercises You Can Do at Home
from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/fitness/Butt-Workout-Videos-YouTube-45712424