Emma Watson, Danielle Macdonald Needs That Selfie of You Both as a Matter of Urgency

Hey, hi, Emma Watson, is that you? Remember that photo you took with Danielle Macdonald? Well she's going to need you to WhatsApp it to her as soon as possible.

The Dumplin' actress joined James Corden on The Late Late Show on Tuesday and shared a totally relatable story about her fangirling over Emma Watson. Danielle was at a Golden Globes party when she saw Emma Watson sitting nearby, and as a self-confessed Harry Potter nerd, she understandably freaked out. When Emma beckoned her over and suggested she take a seat alongside her and Natalie Portman, Danielle described it as the only time she's ever been speechless. They then took a photo together, as you do, but Danielle has unfortunately never seen the results. Emma, if you're out there, send your girl that selfie, because I think we all need the pleasure of seeing it. Watch the video to see Danielle reliving the sweet story in her own words.

from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/celebrity/Danielle-Macdonald-Selfie-Emma-Watson-45730988

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