Not all reality television is drunken disagreements and excessive displays of wealth - though that's fun and all, too. Sometimes, it brings people together. Such was the case on a recent episode of the British dating show First Dates. Now in its 11th season, First Dates - which also inspired a one-season American spinoff - is simple in its premise in that it facilitates a romantic blind date for two singles and films everything. One date that particularly delighted viewers, however, was between 101-year-old Eric and 84-year-old Norma.
See, every single thing Eric says is worthy of its own decorative pillow, embroidery hoop, or at the very least an Instagram caption. For example, when Eric is asked by a producer if he considers himself a catch, he said, "I'm a trap, not a catch!" When he's later told he doesn't seem like your average centenarian, Eric replied, "You haven't seen me getting out of bed in the morning, have you?" Watch highlights from the heartwarming episode above.
from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/love/101-Year-Old-Man-British-Reality-Show-First-Dates-Video-45708997