The 17 Most Buzz-Worthy Moments of 2018 (Phew, What a Year It Was)

When we look back on everything that happened in 2018, it's hard to believe it all occurred in the same year. If it feels like the royal wedding was ages ago by now, I get it - it's hard to keep up with so! much! content! There have been TV shows to binge, box-office-record-breaking movies to celebrate, over-the-top products to try (or just laugh at), and, in the midst of all those internet trends, a crucial November election. This year was a wild one. As one of my wise coworkers put it, "Sometimes, when the going gets tough, the tough get going by floating on a unicorn in the middle of a lake with their five closest friends." Let's reflect on some of the year's biggest and buzziest moments, shall we?

- Additional reporting by Laura Marie Meyers, Kelsey Garcia, Victoria Messina, Perri Konecky, Danielle Jackson, and Karenna Meredith


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