Time for our final guest on Khal Drogo's Ghost Dojo - please welcome King Joffrey. #SNL pic.twitter.com/zoIjCCT7Sc
- Saturday Night Live - SNL (@nbcsnl) December 9, 2018
Khal Drogo is back from the dead. Well, not really, but Jason Momoa did momentarily resurrect the character for a Game of Thrones spoof during his Saturday Night Live debut. The skit involved a talk show on Dothraki Public Access with departed characters as the guests. There were surprise appearances from Hodor, High Sparrow, and more, with Kate McKinnon particularly nailing her King Joffrey impression. A few other highlights include Aidy Bryant's portrayal of Olenna Tyrell, a beard accessories commercial, and a pitch to make Khal on the Wall a thing - you know, like Elf on the Shelf . . . except not.
from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/entertainment/Jason-Momoa-Game-Thrones-Skit-Saturday-Night-Live-2018-45570142