Work Your Entire Body With This 16-Minute HIIT Workout - PS: It's Equipment-Free

When we saw Kelsey Wells's 16-minute HIIT workout, we knew it was going to be legit. It's perfect for those days when you have no idea what to do at the gym, you want to work out at home, or you've got meetings lined up all day and need a quick, effective workout.

In her caption, Kelsey said to do one HIIT session a week; we have a feeling you're going to be challenged by this one. Put on your sneakers, grab some water, and get ready to work.

The Workout

Before getting started, make sure to get your muscles warm with a dynamic warmup. Kelsey said to perform each exercise for 30 seconds, followed by 30 seconds of rest, before advancing to the next exercise. Completing all four exercises equals one round. Repeat for a total of four rounds. Be sure to cool down and stretch after your workout.


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