8 Huge Skin Innovations That Derms Are Thankful For This Year

Nobody at the Thanksgiving table needs to know that what you're really grateful for this year is the elastic waistband on your pants or that the long holiday weekend has finally given you an excuse to not shower for four days - that's between you and your maker. But in the name of self-reflection, we're going to do some looking back on beauty trends, especially within the world of skin care.

Besides, no other category has seen so many new ingredients (bakuchiol!), gadgets (gua sha, anyone?), and products, so we asked top dermatologists across the country to share the biggest skin innovations of 2018 they're particularly thankful for this year. Take a peek at their answers ahead. . . then pass the pie, please.

from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/beauty/Skin-Innovations-2018-45506587

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