1 Little Girl Dressed Up as Michelle Obama For Halloween, and Can We Get Her in the White House?

After a photo of Parker Curry gazing up at a portrait of Michelle Obama went viral in March, the 3-year-old knew there was only one option when it came to Halloween costumes: a real-life version of Michelle Obama's portrait. Jessica Curry, Parker's mom, was immediately on board after her daughter got the chance to dance with the former first lady on The Ellen DeGeneres Show eight months ago.

"To be honest, I'm not sure why she specifically chose to be Michelle Obama for Halloween, but she knew from the moment we asked her that Michelle is who she wanted to be," Jessica told POPSUGAR. "Who doesn't want to be the Queen? She never wavered and made it very clear that she would be Michelle Obama for Halloween."

While Jessica was fully supportive of Parker's outfit choice, putting it together was going to be tough. With less than two weeks till Halloween. Jessica asked Alisha Welsh, a woman who runs Magnolia Lake Clothing, to make Parker a replica of the gown.

"I anticipate extreme excitement when Parker learns that the former first lady was pleased with the costume."

Naturally, Jessica shared several photos of Parker on social media. Before she knew it, Michelle had tweeted out a photo of her fan with the caption: "You nailed the look, Parker! I love it!!!!"

Unfortunately, Parker won't get the news about her idol until after school.

"Parker is at school today so she won't know that Michelle Obama loved her costume until she gets home," said Jessica. "I anticipate extreme excitement when Parker learns that the former first lady was pleased with the costume. Much like the first time Parker went viral, she's super unbothered by all the attention. She's unfazed but smiled happily when I told her that people in the world were loving the picture of her in costume."

Scroll through to get a look at her incredible gown. The resemblance seems pretty uncanny to us!

from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/moms/Girl-Dresses-Up-Michelle-Obama-Halloween-45446529

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