Six months ago, I made the decision to reclaim my health. It wouldn't be easy, but it had to be done. I changed my diet and knew that, in order to keep making progress, I would need to exercise as well. When I lost weight many years ago, I worked out daily and spent hours doing intense cardio - I was addicted to the gym. I knew that wasn't the route I wanted to go this time, so I decided to keep it simple and do what I've always enjoyed: I began walking daily, and I haven't stopped since.
I walk for about an hour each day - sometimes a little less, sometimes a little more. And while that may seem like a big chunk of the day to dedicate to exercise, you'd be surprised how easily you can chip away at it, simply by going for a walk over your lunch or pacing around the house during a phone call.
While I don't like to focus on the number on the scale, I've lost 75 pounds, doing nothing more than eating healthfully and moving my body each and every day.
I'm proof that even something as simple as walking can transform your body if you stick with it, but that last part is key. Walking works for me because I enjoy it so much. I plan nature walks with friends and pick up the pace to a light jog during the day when my son joins me on his bike. (I can keep up a lot easier now, 75 pounds lighter and with hundreds of miles under my belt.) My daughter loves to walk with me in the evenings. We walk around our neighborhood for 30 minutes, one of my favorite times to talk and connect. I've always wanted to be a good role model for my children, and I love that we're spending time together in such a healthy and active way.
Other times I squeeze in all of my walking after everyone else has gone to bed. Being alone with my thoughts under the stars is a beautiful way to end the day.
I've learned that your weight-loss journey doesn't have to be about numbers or how heavy of weights you can lift. Exercise should be one of your favorite parts of the day, never something you dread. If walking isn't your thing, try to find something that is - when you treat your body right, it'll repay you. I know mine has.
from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/fitness/Walking-Before--After-Weight-Loss-45018618