If This Theory About This Is Us Is True, Beth Got to Meet Jack Before He Died

This Is Us is delving deeper into the Pearson family's life after Jack's death this season, and it's nothing short of emotional. During the second episode, titled "A Philadelphia Story," it is revealed that Randall ends up getting into Howard University, a historically black university in Washington DC. Even though it's unclear if he winds up going - he calls the office to turn down his acceptance at the end of the episode - there's a convincing theory that he does decide to attend the school.

As fans will recall in season two, Jack takes a road trip with Randall to the college during the episode "Number Three." As the two get ready to take a tour of the campus, Randall winds up leaving his father behind to meet up with an old friend. As Randall walks off with a group of students to check out the dorms, Jack continues with their previously scheduled tour solo. While this doesn't seem like a big deal at first, there could be a hidden clue within the scene. As one Reddit user points out, there's a good chance Beth, aka Randall's future wife, is in the group of students touring the school.

Not only would this be a great plot twist, but it would also mean Beth got to meet Randall's dad before he died. As previously revealed, Jack dies right before the Big Three's high school graduation. Since we know that Randall and Beth meet in college, it wouldn't be too far-fetched for the show to bring everything full circle.

If you need more convincing, in the crowd of students touring the school, there is a girl with long braids talking with two other women. While we know that Beth actually has dreadlocks when she first meets Randall, the other girl's hairstyle is similar to the one Beth gives Déjà earlier in season two to cover up her alopecia. Remember when she says that one of her sisters also suffers from alopecia? What if the two women the student with long braids is talking to are actually Beth's mom and sister? So not only would Jack have met Randall's future wife but also his in-laws.

from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/entertainment/Where-Did-Randall-Go-College-Us-44311004

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