American Horror Story: We're Willing to Bet This Is How Michael's Story Will Play Out

The only thing that seems absolutely certain in American Horror Story: Apocalypse is that Michael Langdon is really, truly powerful and evil. What more would we expect from the actual Antichrist? After all the horrible things he does - or probably has done - it doesn't seem like there could possibly be any path to redemption for Michael. Reddit user masonfrelsari, however, has a different idea.

SPOILER : Theory about Madison and Michael. from r/AmericanHorrorStory

Could you believe that Michael could ever turn away from evil? Let's break this theory down and you can decide for yourself.

Essentially, this theory suggests that Madison could go back in time to change Michael's future from childhood onwards. It hinges on the technical aspects of Michael being the Antichrist: the idea that he is half-spirit or demonic from his ghostly father and half-human from his human mother, which makes him the "son" of Satan. In Christian theology (and in the AHS universe, it seems), the Antichrist is literally the inverse of Christ: half-human and half-spirit, but evil instead of good. Christ had free will like all humans; him making the choice to allow himself to be crucified is literally the cornerstone of the Christian belief in him as savior. So, one could assume, the Antichrist would likewise have free will that comes from his human side.

Could he use his free will to disobey his demonic master? That's where Madison could come in: to create a different timeline where circumstances might allow it. As we've seen, Madison has been on a path to redemption herself, so she could be the ideal person to help create this new future. American Horror Story has always liked its twists, too, so pivoting away from the obvious villain would not be entirely unexpected. After all, the upcoming episode is called "Traitor" - could Michael become a traitor to hell? If he's the Antichrist, could Madison be a sort of anti-Judas: seemingly betraying her coven but ultimately saving them all?

There's already a theory out there that powerful witch Mallory might be angelic or even divine, but most of those have focused on a final battle between her and Michael as proxies for God and Satan. What could that final apocalyptic battle be if Michael changes sides? Heaven - or hell - only knows.


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