Searching: Did You Catch These Hints Throughout the Twisty Thriller?

Warning: This post contains spoilers for the movie Searching.

Starring the venerable John Cho and Debra Messing, Searching is one of the twistiest thrillers you'll ever come across. Just imagine a modern-day Hitchcock project that occurs entirely on a computer screen interface. In the film, David Kim, an anguished widowed father, launches a full-fledged internet investigation to figure out what happened to his missing 16-year-old daughter, Margot. While working on his own theories, he gets help from his brother Peter and Detective Rosemary Vick. But, of course, things are not as they seem.

Anyone who made it to the end of Searching will surely appreciate the twists, plants, and buildup that the filmmakers use to create suspense and a logical narrative. Still, even the shrewdest internet sleuths may overlook or glaze over some of the cleverly hidden clues in Searching that point to the shocking reveal of what happens to Margot. Just in case you missed them, we've rounded up the most important hints sprinkled throughout the movie.


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