Besides tear-streaked cheeks and the sudden compulsion to hug your nearest family member, there's one more thing you've probably picked up on while watching NBC's megahit This Is Us: the actors get pretty emotional. And sometimes, as Mandy Moore will tell you, that's not easy to work around.
"There's a lot of crying on set," the Garnier brand ambassador, who plays Rebecca Pearson on the show, told POPSUGAR. "It's a good thing that we have a makeup team around to jump in and help clean up my streaky mascara, because there aren't really any setting products that help [against tears]."
The series's glam squad isn't just integral for covering up Moore's cry-face (which she describes as "definitely not cute," and TBH, same) but also for applying her prosthetics whenever she transforms from 25 to 68 - which, ironically, also can't handle the waterworks.
Keep reading to find out how she keeps it together through the tough times, and why time-traveling in front of millions of viewers changed her opinion on aging, ahead. Bring the tissues.
from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/beauty/Mandy-Moore-Us-Interview-45307599