Let's get one thing clear from the start: all moms are working moms. This sh*t is the hardest job I've ever had, for sure. But deciding whether you'll add to your full-time mom gig with another out-of-the-house, paycheck receiving one can be tough. Perhaps even tougher is deciding to give up the one that gives you a paycheck and go all in on the never-ending snack-making, house-cleaning, child-rearing one.
I found myself in this very situation when I went back to work six months after the birth of my third baby. With three kids under five, the scheduling and the overwhelming childcare costs, plus the nagging feeling that I needed to be home, led me to the difficult decision to leave a job that I loved. I thought three rounds of maternity leave would have prepared me for SAHM life, but I was still caught off guard by some of the changes that our new normal brought.
from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/moms/What-Like-Leaving-Your-Job-Stay-Home-Mom-45271925