In just two-and-a-half minutes, 29-year-old Michelle Agyei went from being a pregnant passenger on a public bus to a new mom. While riding home from the grocery store, Michelle went into labor on the crowded bus and began experiencing painful contractions before her water broke. High school student Jane Mulcahy, another passenger who witnessed the entire thing, says she didn't think Michelle was being serious when she announced that her baby was coming, but was proved wrong in a matter of seconds.
"I was feeling this pain. It was really painful, but I didn't want anybody to know because there was a lot of people on the bus," Michelle told CBS News. "My baby just popped out and I said 'Something is coming!'"
Once baby Andrew made his appearance, Michelle asked her fellow passengers a small favor. "She asked if anyone had a string or a shoelace, I guess for the umbilical cord," Jane, who offered up one of her shoelaces, said. "She had been having contractions maybe two minutes, and then within 30 seconds, the baby was born. It was incredibly fast."
Michelle and Andrew are both healthy, and Michelle is offering up her thanks to the other passengers who were on the bus with her during such an important moment: "I thank them for what they did for me yesterday. I really thank them."
from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/moms/Mom-Has-Baby-Bus-Minnesota-45171110