Trevor Noah Defended Moms Who Breastfeed in Public - and the PSA at the End Is the BEST

In honor of National Breastfeeding Month, Trevor Noah got hilariously real about how ridiculous it is that women get shamed for breastfeeding in public. He explained in an episode of The Daily Show with Trevor Noah on Aug. 9 that he truly doesn't understand why people become enraged at the sight of a mom feeding her child. After stating that "breastfeeding is one of the best ways to nurture an infant" he launches into a montage of news clips that show women being shamed for breastfeeding in public - and we absolutely agree.

After saying his piece, Noah segues into a PSA from comedians Desi Lydic, a mom of one, and Dulce Sloan, who don't hold back when it comes time to rattle off some other disgusting things people do in public. Some of the best examples? People clipping their toes on the subway, couples making out on top of each other at restaurants, and last but not least, when old men wear banana hammocks to the pool. No one wants to see any of those things going on. So where the heck is their cover?

Desi's final piece of advice to the haters? "How about you make like a hungry baby and suck it up?" Boom.


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