The Reason Princess Diana Stopped Wearing Chanel Will Break Your Heart in a Million Pieces

Princess Diana was a beloved mother, a fashion icon, and one of the most badass members of the royal family. During her life, she wore one memorable outfit after the other, creating strong relationships with designers such as Jimmy Choo, Catherine Walker & Co, and Dior. However, there is a brand that she sadly stopped wearing: Chanel.

During a visit to Australia in 1996, Diana told designer Jayson Brundson that she wouldn't wear Chanel shoes because the double C reminded her of Charles and Camilla. "It was definitely the timing, it being post-divorce," explained Brundson to Harper's Bazaar. He went on: "She would have seen linked Cs and they would have just reminded her of Charles and Camilla. The shoes were quite boldly Chanel, I think they had gold linked Cs on them. And I think for photo optics, people would have honed in on that considering it was so fresh after the divorce as well."

Of course, this was the year her divorce to Prince Charles was finalized. While this choice was by no means a reflection on her love for the brand itself - she had worn Chanel in the past, like the blue skirt suit above - the bold logo clearly was a painful reminder of a very sad and turbulent time in Diana's life.


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