Someone Made a Montage of Michael Scott's Best Misquotes on The Office, and I'm WEEPING

It's been 13 years since we were introduced to The Office, and we're still just as wildly obsessed with the NBC sitcom as we were after the first episode aired. One of the best parts of rewatching the series (besides seeing Jim Halpert and Pam Beesley's friendship blossom into romance, of course) has to be witnessing Michael Scott botch well-known phrases and large words that aren't in his vocabulary. The Office official YouTube page recently shared a hilarious video that combines all of the Dundler Mifflin manager's best misquotations, and it's garnered more than one million views in just one week. Some of the chosen misused phrases in the montage include:

  • "Colored greens."
  • "Ticking time bags."
  • "I am not to be truffled with."
  • "You know what they say: 'Fool me once, strike one. But fool me twice, strike three."
  • "They're trying to make me an escape goat."
  • "My mind is going a mile an hour."
  • "I consider myself a great philander."

Oh, and who could possibly forget Michael's famous "I'm not superstitious, but I am a little stitious"? Yep, that one's included in the montage, too. Watch the now-viral sequence of clips above for your daily dose of chuckles.


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