Jewelry Designer Gina Nigrelli-Smith Gives Us the Inside Scoop on What Inspires Her Cool Pieces

When curating our POPSUGAR Must Have box for Fall, we wanted to include designers who would effortlessly elevate our subscribers' Fall style. One of the first girl bosses who came to mind was Gina Nigrelli-Smith, the founder of jewelry brand Jules Smith. Gina is known for her bold, boho style that shines through with the pieces she creates.

We included one of Gina's designs, the Jane Cuff ($90), in this season's box. The glamorous bracelet is flawlessly smooth and also adjustable, allowing you to wear it on your arm or on your wrist. It also features a geometric design that's easy to slip on or flip over for a simpler look to complement every outfit.

If the gorgeous cuff itself won't get you excited for the Must Have box, the story of Jules Smith will. Read on to learn more about Gina and the gorgeous jewelry she dreams up.

POPSUGAR: Why did you create Jules Smith?
Gina Nigrelli-Smith: I was living in the Caribbean and became intrigued by the jewelry culture. I lived in St. Thomas, which is a large cruise ship port, so the local economy is very dependent on jewelry. I have a background in merchandising and had always wanted to design a collection. I met a few local jewelers, who taught me enough to get started, and within a few months, Jules Smith was born.

PS: Where did the name come from?
GNS: Smith is my married last name, and Jules is the middle name of one of the jewelers that helped me to get started. We were a fine jewelry collection when we launched, so the play on words "jewel smith" was part of the decision.

PS: You were previously a ballet dancer and fashion editor - how do those experiences influence your designs?
GNS: I have always been a creative person; I stopped dancing after college and knew that I wanted to pursue a career that allowed me to be creative. Going into fashion was an obvious next step, and I spent my time as a fashion editor going to part-time design school at night to learn the technical side of design.

I am obsessed with travel, and a majority of my design inspiration comes from my trips around the world.

PS: What was the inspiration behind the Jane Cuff? How would you style it?
GNS: I love arm candy, and the Jane Cuff is probably my favorite Jules Smith piece. I wear mine every day. I love this cuff because you can wear it alone or layer it. The Jane Cuff is very comfortable and light - it makes a statement but does not weigh down your wrist.

PS: You recently visited Greece and Costa Rica. Do your travels leave you feeling inspired?
GNS: I am obsessed with travel, and a majority of my design inspiration comes from my trips around the world. I try to travel at least once a quarter, as I believe it keeps my perspective fresh, which helps me maintain a consistent but eclectic point of view in my collections. I love buying jewelry and accessories from the places I travel and using them as inspiration for future designs.

PS: What is your go-to daily jewelry look?
GNS: LAYERS. I wear about five to 10 necklaces every day; my fingers, wrists, and ears are stacked. I wear hand chains on both hands. You can never wear too much jewelry.

If you want to get the cuff in your POPSUGAR Must Have box, make sure to sign up by Sept. 1 so you can select the color of your choice. It comes in rose gold, gold, or silver. Don't wait!


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