What a Dermatologist Wishes You Knew About Protecting Your Scalp From the Sun

When you head outside for a day in the sun, you probably slather sunscreen on all the usual spots: your arms, legs, back, and face. But there's a part of your body you may be completely forgetting that's just as susceptible to sunburn and skin cancer: your scalp.

"People often forget that - of all the parts of our body that need protection from the sun - none of them face the sky more directly than our scalps," dermatologist Ross C. Radusky, MD, told POPSUGAR. Even if your head is covered with hair (and especially if it isn't), that doesn't mean it's safe from harmful UV rays. In fact, skin cancer can still show up on your scalp and hairline, and you can still get burned where your hair parts.

Luckily, Dr. Radusky has outlined five easy ways to protect your scalp from heat, rays, sun damage, and potential skin cancer. Be sure you're not ignoring this vulnerable body part and that you're also loading up on the proper SPF all over your body.

from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/beauty/How-Protect-Your-Scalp-From-Sun-45031020

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