This week, we caught our first glimpse of J.J. Abrams's next big project, Overlord. The new horror thriller is being billed as a story about "World War II soldiers who find out the Nazis are using supernatural forces and engaging in gruesome experiments." It's unique in a lot of ways: it's the first R-rated film for Abrams's production company, Bad Robot. It's also not another Cloverfield movie, which is kind of a relief after the franchise's botched third movie, The Cloverfield Paradox. Right out the gate, Overlord looks insane: there's a lot of blood and bone snapping in the trailer alone. Seems like things are going to get pretty dicey when the film hits theaters on Nov. 9.
from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/entertainment/Overlord-Horror-Movie-Trailer-45063235