In 2006, Rich Madaleno made history as Maryland's first openly gay senator. Now, Madaleno is making history once again: the 52-year-old senator is currently vying for the Democratic nomination in the Maryland gubernatorial race, and on June 6, he aired the nation's first political campaign ad to feature a same-sex kiss.
In the delightfully shady video, the candidate lists the many things he's done to "already infuriate" President Donald Trump. Madaleno has defended Planned Parenthood, banned assault weapons in Maryland, and fought for public school funding over private school vouchers. "Take that, Betsy DeVos," remarks one hilarious child featured in the ad. At the very end, Madaleno demonstrates the ultimate way he "pisses off" the president by kissing his husband, Mark Madaleno, in front of their home and seated by their two children.
According to Victory Fund, the ad aired during Fox & Friends in the Washington area on the morning of June 7. "June is LGBT Pride Month and I couldn't think of a better time to release this ad," Madaleno said in a statement. "I am proud of my family, proud of my record of standing up for our progressive values, and proud to be unflinching in standing up against hate."
from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/news/Rich-Madaleno-Airs-First-US-Campaign-Ad-Same-Sex-Kiss-44921261