You Can Piece Together 13 Reasons Why Season 2 With These Mysterious Character Instagram Accounts

The characters from 13 Reasons Why may not be real, but their Instagram accounts sure are. The show's second season is quickly approaching, but if you're on the edge of your seat, you can scan these accounts for all sorts of clues. First it started with Hannah Baker's Instagram last year, and now we're noticing characters like Alex Standall and Jessica Davis have public profiles, with memories going back to the first season. Characters who remain on private? Clay Jensen, Justin Foley, Courtney Crimsen, Bryce Walker, Ryan Shaver, Tony Padilla, Tyler Down, and Montgomery de la Cruz. While these profiles remain private, you can piece the puzzle together further by catching their comments on one another's profiles.

We've rounded up the public profiles ahead, along with the clues we've been able to identify so far. There's no telling whose profile will open up next, but rest assured, we'll be ready and waiting.


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