Too Faced Founder Jerrod Blandino Says Ditch These 5 Bad Beauty Habits ASAP!

Jerrod Blandino is the founder of Too Faced Cosmetics.

I've been in the beauty industry for over 20 years, and I've seen it all. I love breaking "the rules" - you know, those ridiculous things people say like you can't wear a dark lip and a dark eye look together, or that you have to ditch shimmer shadows over a certain age, or the idea that your hair or eye color has to determine what makeup colors you wear. However, even a rule breaker like me has a few nonnegotiables. I love self-expression, putting your own spin on things, and all things modern, creative, and fabulous, but here are the rules you just can't ever break - because they'll hurt your health, age you, or just make you look bad.


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