This Is the 1 Thing Hotel Owners Wish You'd Do When You Travel With Your Dog

If you're planning an upcoming vacation and unsure whether or not to bring along your favorite furry friend, you'll be happy to know that traveling with your pup is getting easier and easier. Not only can you take your dog on the plane with you, but hotels across the US are increasingly welcoming dogs as guests. Still, the employees want pet owners to know one very important thing: you have to clean up after them!

Amy Healy, general manager of downtown Denver's Hotel Indigo, said her hotel is extremely pet-friendly, and employees will do everything they can to make animals feel welcome. "We provide blankets and dishes, because we understand why so many people want to travel with their pets these days," she told POPSUGAR. Hotel Indigo even has its own dog ambassador, Barkly, who greets guests and provides emotional support and cuddles for stressed travelers.

Healy noted, though, that while most travelers who bring their dogs along know exactly what kind of pet etiquette to follow, she understands that new pet parents have to start somewhere, and she has some advice for them. "First of all, don't try to sneak a dog into a hotel. We will always know," she said. While you may think that you can get your dog in and out undetected in order to avoid paying the fee, rest assured that the hotel staff will know, and it's not a pleasant conversation. "I don't ever want to have to unexpectedly charge someone for sneaking a dog in, but think about who will be in that room next. We have designated rooms for pets so we can regulate the area, mostly because of allergies," she said.

But the most important thing to keep in mind if you're bringing your dog along on your travels is to clean up after them, or at least own up to a mess they've made. "We know accidents happen," Healy said. "But we appreciate it if you at least try to clean it up and let us know it happened, rather than try to hide it or check out without saying anything." You'd clean up after your dog at home, so you should do it elsewhere, right?

It's also a good idea to crate your dog any time you aren't in the room, in case housekeeping or another hotel employee comes into the room. It's best for your dog's safety and for the safety of the employees. "A lot of guests just don't end up getting their rooms serviced to avoid all that completely, and that's totally fine," Healy said. But if you do want your room cleaned and don't have a crate, you could always take your pup for a walk. We imagine they won't mind!

So whether you're driving or flying with your pet, we recommend you always keep proper etiquette in mind. Your dog will thank you and the people around you will thank you, and your trip will be a much more positive experience.

Travel and accommodations paid for in part by Hotel Indigo for the purpose of writing this story.


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